Packages for Teaching & Research in the Biological Sciences:

Packages for Teaching & Research in the Biological Sciences

OX1LP Dissolved Oxygen Package

The OX1LP Dissolved Oxygen Packages are based on the use Polarographic Dissolved Oxygen Electrodes and may be used to measure Photosynthesis and/or Respiration in the Aqueous Phase, using Suspensions of Plants, Animals and Organelles (chloroplasts and mitochondria). It may also be used to monitor chemical and biochemical reactions that either produce or consume O2 in the Aqueous Phase. The Dissolved Oxygen Package comes complete with instruments, accessories, software and interface....Read More

FL23 Algal CO2 Analysis Package

The FL23 Algal CO2 Analysis Package is designed for measurements of CO2 Exchange from Algae in a Head Space of a Plexiglass Cuvette (80ml Total Volume) designed by Qubit Systems. The CO2 Gas released into the head space of the cuvette is dried and carried to the Q-S151 CO2 Analyzer for measurements of CO2 Levels (0-2000ppm) in a flow through system....Read More

Dissolved CO2 System

Dissolved CO2 (DCO2) System are designed to measure dissolved pCO2 in Water at Atmospheric Pressure. The systems are composed of a DCO2 Sampler with Accessories, a Non-Dispersive Infrared CO2 Analyzer with a built-in Gas Pump, Data Interface and Software. The Rapid Response DCO2 System consists of flow through Rapid DCO2 Sampling System, Liquid Pump, IRGA with built in Gas Pump, Data Interface and Software.....Read More

Q-Box CO650 Plant CO2 Analysis Package

The Q-Box CO650 Plant CO2 Analysis Package has been designed for Measurements of Photosynthesis, Respiration and Transpiration in Leaves when placed in a flow-through Leaf Chamber. You can use Plant CO2 Analysis Package in both the lab or field (with optional battery pack). When you combine Q-Box CO650 with 4 Channel Gas Switching System you can Monitor Photosynthesis, Respiration and Transpiration....Read More

PH1LP Teaching Photosynthesis Package

The PH1LP Photosynthesis Teaching Package has been designed for Teaching Photosynthesis Principles. The package consists of a sealed leaf chamber with a diffusion based O2 sensor. This set up allows measurements of accumulation of O2 at saturating levels of CO2 from a leaf placed in the chamber and illuminated with external LED light source. This package has been designed for teaching purposes only.....Read More

Q-Box SR1LP Soil Respiration Package

The Q-Box SR1LP Soil Respiration Package provides the user with all of the materials required to measure soil respiration in-situ. Short term spot measurements in the field are possible with the battery pack. Soil samples can also be.....Read More

Q-Box NF1LP Nitrogen Fixation Package

Qubit Systems produces the only complete experimental package Q-Box NF1LP for measurement of Nitrogen Fixation in H2 Producing Legume Symbioses. The unique flow-through H2 sensor (Q-S121) measures the production rate of H2 from N2-fixing tissues, allowing in-vivo measurement of nitrogenase activity in real time. When combined with.....Read More

Q-Box RP1LP Low Range Respiration Package

The Q-Box RP1LP Low Range Respiration Package is designed to measure the Metabolic Rate of Small Animals such as Insects, Reptiles, Amphibians, Other Invertebrates and Small Mammals in an Open-flow or Stop-flow Gas Exchange System. The Q-Box RP1LP Low Range Respiration Package can even be used for measurements of CO2 and O2 Exchange in colonies of Fungi and Microorganisms. When combined with.....Read More

Q-Box RP2LP High Range Respiration Package

The Q-Box RP2LP High Range Respiration Package can be used to study metabolic rates via CO2 and O2 Exchange in Mammals and Other Animals with Higher Metabolic Rates. When combined with Qubit Gas Switching System measurements of Respiration Rates (VO2, VCO2) and RQ are automated for upto 7 Animals (8 Channel System Including Reference).....Read More

Q-Box AQUA Aquatic Respiration Package

The Q-Box AQUA Aquatic Respirometry Package is designed for measurements of metabolic rate (VO2) as reduction in Dissolved Oxygen inside the Respirometry Chamber with an Aquatic Animal. Both vertebrates and invertebrates may be studied. Q-Box AQUA uses the principle of Intermittent Flow Respirometry. Q-Box AQUA Operation: The Animal is placed in a Respirometry Chamber and the decrease in Dissolved O2 due to.....Read More

Q-Box HR1LP Human Respiration Package

The Q-Box HR1LP Human Respirometry Package allows users to conduct numerous safe, exciting investigations in Respiratory and Cardiovascular Physiology. The equipment and instruments are simple to set up and operate. The Q-Box HR1LP Human Respirometry Package is ideal for use in undergraduate laboratory courses, yet the package's Infrared CO2 Analyzer, Oxygen Sensor, Pneumotach Spirometer and Wireless Exercise Heart-Rate Monitor......Read More

BBB1LP Breath-by-Breath Analysis Package

Qubit's BBB1LP Breath by Breath Respirometry Package is designed to measure both steady-state and dynamic changes in human metabolic rate under a variety of test conditions. VO2, VCO2, VO2max, resting metabolic rate (RMR), Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER) and a host of other Physiological and Pulmonary Parameters may be measured on a Breath-by-Breath basis using this package......Read More

HE1LP Human Electrophysiology Package

The HE1LP Human Electrophysiology Package is designed to Investigate Electrophysiological aspects of Human Physiology in a completely safe and non-invasive manner. Measure such parameters as EKG, EMG, Dynamometry, GSR and EOG......Read More

Q-Track Breath by Breath CPX System

The Q-Track is a wearable breath-by-breath CPX system that allows you to conduct VO2 and VCO2 measurements almost anywhere. With a total system weight of only 1.2 Kg, it does not impede normal exercise and adds very little load to the subject, especially when worn in a body harness. Data are displayed on a battery-powered interface and analyzed using sophisticated, but intuitive software.....Read More

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